Honors Directory


Main Offices Contact
Old Main 330
516 High Street
Bellingham, WA 98225-9112

Email: honors@wwu.edu

Phone: 360-650-3034

Learn more about Honors faculty and staff by clicking on their profile.

First-Year Faculty teach sections of the Honors First Year Sequence (HNRS 103-106) every quarter to the incoming cohort.

Honors Faculty Fellows regularly teach Honors Colloquia within their field.

Melanie Bowers, Ph.D.
Headshot of Dr. Bowers
Assistant Professor of Political Science Honors Faculty Fellow

(360) 650-6270
Office: Arntzen Hall 415

Kathleen Brian, Ph.D.
Headshot of Dr. Kathleen Brian
Senior Instructor Honors First-Year Faculty Academic Advisor

(360) 650-7706
Office: Old Main 330J

Julie Dugger, Ph.D
Julie holding a piece of cake and giving a thumbs up
Senior Instructor Honors First-Year Faculty Honors Capstone Coordinator Academic Advisor

(360) 650-4989
Office: Old Main 335

Paul Dunn, Ph.D.
Portrait of Paul outside wearing a hat and hooded jacket
Honors First-Year Faculty

(360) 650-3472
Office: Old Main 335

Arna Elezović, Ph.D.
Selfie of Dr. Elezovic
Honors First-Year Faculty Academic Advisor

(360) 650-2008
Office: Old Main 335

Tristan Goldman, Ph.D.
Dr. Goldman sitting at his desk, surrounded by books
Honors Associate Director Honors First-Year Faculty Academic Advisor

(360) 650-6558
Office: Old Main 330K

Thomas Hummel
Headshot of Thomas Hummel
Instructor Honors First-Year Faculty Academic Advisor

(360) 650-2030
Office: Old Main 330J

Kimberly Lynn, Ph.D.
Portrait of Dr. Kimberly Lynn
Honors Director Academic Advisor

(360) 650-4869
Office: Old Main 330I

Lori Martindale, Ph.D.
Headshot of Dr. Martindale
Senior Instructor Honors First-Year Faculty

Office: Old Main 335

Hannah Saleeb
Hannah holds two white chickens in front of a red wall
Honors Communications Academic Advisor

Office: Old Main 330D

Dr. Christie Scollon, Ph.D.
Dr. Scollon juggling
Associated Professor of Psychology Honors Faculty Fellow

Email: scolloc@wwu.edu
Phone: 360-650-7620
Office: Academic Instructional Center 594

Kate Stevenson
Kate smiling with her dog Ruby on the left
Honors Program Manager

Office: Old Main 332

Honors Seminar Faculty

The Upper-Division Seminars vary quarter to quarter. Click below to see current and past WWU faculty who have taught Honors Seminars.