
Graphic of Edens Hall, the seal of the Honors Program with the Honors saying "Societatem Colimus Pro Scientiam Humanitus Enitentes" encompassing it

Societatem Colimus Pro Scientiam Humanitus Enitentes

We cultivate community by striving compassionately for knowledge

Honors at Western

Since its founding in 1962, Western’s Honors College allows students to combine the best of a private liberal arts college experience (small classes, interaction with professors and other students, and the opportunity to work on research and creative activities with faculty) with the advantages of a much larger public institution, including a wide variety of majors, outstanding academic facilities, and numerous extra-curricular options.

The Honors College is structured in a way that provides a graduated, on-going experience for students as they engage in increasingly sophisticated work while moving through their Western degree. From captaining our national championship rowing team to editing newspapers to organizing our TEDx event, Western Honors students are campus leaders.

Honors Highlights

Schedule a visit with the Honors College

Old Main in spring with cherry blossoms

Learn more about Western's Honors College and observe first-hand what Honors classes are like.

Honors Prologue Registration Opens July 15!

Students sit in a circle in the grass chatting

All incoming Honors students are invited to participate in the WWU Honors Welcome Weekend event: Honors Prologue. This program introduces students to Honors staff and advisors, faculty, campus, and the Bellingham region. Prologue will be Friday, September 20 and Saturday, September 21.

Welcome Our New Director!

Kimberly Lynn

Dr. Kimberly Lynn has been chosen as the next Director of Western Washington University’s Honors College. Dr. Lynn will just need to move across campus for her new role; she is a professor of Global Humanities and Religions at Western, and that department’s chair since 2015. She will officially start her new role at Western on Aug. 19.

National Recognition

WWU Honors has received recognition as one of the very best in the nation. And, it’s part of Western Washington University, which earns national attention for the overall quality of undergraduate education (U.S. News and World Report, 1998-2021) and top value in public colleges (Kiplinger’s, 2019). Western is also nationally recognized as a leading producer of Student Fulbright Scholars and Peace Corps volunteers, many of whom were WWU Honors Students.

Honors College Main Office

Old Main 330 | MS 9112
516 High Street
Bellingham, WA 98225-9112
honors@wwu.edu (preferred method of communication)