Tobias Osterhaug
Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship, Taiwan, 2015-2016
BA, History, 2014
International Studies Minor
Tobias received the Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship to teach English to 3rd graders in Fengyuan, a suburb of Taipei and the capital of Taiwan. He had four classes each day and co-taught about twenty-five students per class. Adored by his students, Tobias reported the overall experience was very rewarding: “I already feel that I’ve grown immensely as a person.” Tobias was able to get around (and be immersed in Taiwanese culture) from the seat of his new scooter, and said the opportunity afforded by the Fulbright Award is “changing [him] as a person every day.” After Fulbright, Tobias attended graduate school at the University of Washington (Jackson School of International Studies).