Emily Lang Scholarship Recipients

The recipients of the Emily Lang Memorial Scholarship are women within the Honors Program that embody the same passion for the outdoors and community service that Emily did. We are incredibly honored to award the first ever Emily Lang scholarship for the 2020-2021 school year.


Photo of Allie sitting on rocks with a body of water and boats in the background

Allie Vandewege

"The gift of the Emily Lang Memorial Scholarship was so gratifying and heartwarming, and I am extremely honored to be the first recipient of such a special award. I know how much time and effort was put into the creation of this endowment, and I would like to directly give my thanks to anyone who was involved with fundraising. This is something that will carry out Emily’s legacy for years to come. This relief of some of the financial stress involved with my education is a blessing I am so grateful for, and I know that future recipients will feel the same. I truly cannot express how honored I am to receive this recognition.

Like Emily, I have a passion for the outdoors, and have an extensive background working with youth. To combine these two loves, I am majoring in Environmental Education, through Huxley College of the Environment, with dreams of working as an educator in an outdoor environment, connecting children with the natural world and showing them the value of their surrounding environment. At Western, I’m also involved in the Honors program, and I fill my weekends with hiking, hammocking, kayaking and socializing. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time at Western thus far, and am so excited for the upcoming opportunities I have, all of are that much more attainable due to this award. I hope that I can honor her memory in my future."