Spring 2020 Senior Project Presentations

Tuesday, May 26

Sorting out Sortases: Elucidating the efficiency and bound-state structure of Sortase A variants

Katherine Johnston

Sorting out Sortases: Elucidating the efficiency and bound-state structure of Sortase A variants

10:00 AM

Thursday, May 28

Image: Hazy Photo of pink and blue sunset over shadowy mountains.   Text reads "NimbleKnow" "a free online instant feedback for classrooms with integrated translation" "Honors Capstone Presentation by Camille Ottaway, Advisor Dr. Qiang Hao"  "May 28th, 2020, at 10AM"  "For disability accommodations please call (360) 650-3034"

Camille Ottaway

KnimbleKnow: a free online instant feedback for classrooms with integrated translation

10:00 AM

Supporting Communication Between Individuals With Disabilities and First Responders

Savanah DePew

Supporting Communication Between Individuals With Disabilities and First Responders

1:00 PM

Image: A climber ascending a steep snow slope during the second ascent of the west face of Sloan Peak.  Text Reads "Is The Risk Worth It? A look into the minds of mountain climbers and how they perceive risk."

Porter McMichael

Is The Risk Worth It? A look into the minds of mountain climbers and how they perceive risk

2:00 PM

Friday, May 29

Consider the Ravens: An Exploration of Anxiety

Mckenzie Oliver

Consider the Ravens: An Exploration of Anxiety

11:00 AM

Image: Cartoon of two men dressed in 18th century style clothing. The men seem vey angry with one another, as one attempts to beat the other with a set of fire place tongs. The second man is rising a walking stick to try and block his attacker. Other figures look on impassively from the background. Text: "An Honors Project by Stuart Medalen, Advised by Amanda Eurich, Professor of History, Friday, May 29, 2020 4:00 PM, Inventing America: National Politics in the New Republic."

Stuart Medalen

Inventing America: National Politics in the New Republic

4:00 PM

Monday, June 1

Image: molecular cartoon of double-stranded helix.  Text reads: "From Fruit Flies to the Frontline, Slow Science in a Demanding Medical Climate."  "Capstone Project Presented by Riley Haner, Advised by Dr. Adrienne Wang"  "June 1st, 2020, 1:00 pm, zoom.us/j/98651672003"  "For disability accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu"

Riley Haner

From Fruit Flies to the Front Line: Slow Science in a Demanding Medical Climate

1:00 PM

Image of the sun overlaid by orange circles.  Text: "Optimization of nanoparticle synthesis for solar applications. Date: June 1st at 2pm 2020. Avocado Oil and the Experimental Method. Honors Capstone Presentation By Maya Noesen, Advisor Dr. David Patrick.  For disability accommodations, please emails the Honors program at honors@wwu.edu."

Maya Noesen

Optimization of Nanoparticle Synthesis for Solar Applications

2:00 PM

Image: A map of the world with all countries colored in black except for Russia, China, and the United States, which are colored in red. Text: "Sharp Power: Information Warfare and the Changing Global Balance of Power. Honors Capstone Presentation by Ethan Greene Advisor Dr. Bidisha Biswas. June 1, 2020 3:00 PM. For Disability Accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu."

Ethan Greene

Sharp Power: Information Warfare and the Changing Global Balance of Power

3:00 PM

Image: A graphic of the anatomy of the brain.   Text reads " CSD Mindmap for Clinical Application, Emphasis on AAC Usage for Dementia Care, Dr. Kelli Evans"  " June 1, 2020 | 4:00 pm | Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/98651672003"  "For disability accommodations please call (360) 650-3034"

Sydney Fuller

CSD Mindmap for Clinical Application: Emphasis on AAC Usage for Dementia Care

4:00 PM

Tuesday, June 2

Image: Tibetan Buddhist style painting of an extended finger pointing toward a luminous moon surrounded by clouds. Text: "Speaking the Unspeakable: Intellectual Virtues of Unconventional Communication. June 2, 2020. 10:00 am. Honors Capstone by Mac Neaville. Advisor Dr. Neal Tognazzini. For disability accomodations please email honors@wwu.edu."

Mac Neaville

Speaking the Unspeakable: Intellectual Virtues of Unconventional Communication

10:00 AM

Image: Photo of a school of rainbow trout. Text: "Impacts of rising pCO2 on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) swimming mechanics. Lessons learned from a pilot study exploring how freshwater acidification could alter behavior of salmonids. An Honors Senior Capstone Presentation. By Darby Finnegan, Advised by Dr. Leo Bodensteiner. June 2nd, 2020, 11:00 AM. For Disability Accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu."

Darby Finnegan

Impacts of Rising pCO2 on Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Swimming Mechanics

11:00 AM

Image: Landscape of grey mountains with pink sky and a tree in the foreground. Pink circle and orange circle overlapping one another in the center.  Text Reads:  "Happiness Across Cultures: A Review of Subjective Well-Being in Asian Americans" "By Hannah Proctor" "Advisor: Christie Scollon" "Why do Asian Americans report lower life satisfaction than European Americans?" "Tuesday, June 2nd, 2020 1:00pm-1:45pm" "For disability accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu"

Hannah Proctor

Happiness Across Cultures: A Review of Subjective Well-Being in Asian Americans

1:00 PM

Image: Wide shot of Downtown Albuquerque's tallest building, the Bank of Albuquerque Tower. Text: "Red or Green: Gentrification in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Honors Capstone Presentation by Michael Patterson, Advisor Dr. Debra Salazar. June 2, 2020, 2 PM PST. For disability accommodations please call (360) 650-3034."

Michael Patterson

Red or Green: Gentrification in Albuquerque, New Mexico

2:00 PM

Image: Photo of a spotted hyena.   Text reads: "For disability accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu.  Emotion in Science: The Need for Compassion in Wildlife Conservation"  "Spring Honors Capstone Presentation by Max Alexandria Boock.  Advisor:Shawn Behling.  June 2, 2020, 3:00 PM.  Western Washington University Honors Program"

Max Boock

Emotion in Science: the need for compassion in wildlife conservation

3:00 PM

Wednesday, June 3

Image: An orange, green and yellow circle with notebooks, a pencil, a balloon, dice, a fork and knife, bananas, a chair, and a plant. Text: "The Secret Life of Objects: A Podcast about Listening to Objects. Honors Capstone Presentation by Tessa Vroom, Advisor Dr. Jeremy Cushman. June 3, 2020, 10:00 AM."

Tessa Vroom

The Secret Life of Objects

10:00 AM

Aliza Ben-Veron

A Validation Study of Behavioral and Motor Phenotypes of Htt Q111/+: A Huntington's Disease Mouse Model

11:00 AM

Feasibility of Psychoacoustic Testing on Hearing-Impaired Individuals with a Portable Device

S. Adelaide Bock

Feasibility of Psychoacoustic Testing on Hearing-Impaired Individuals with a Portable Device

3:00 PM

Image: 2 up-close photos of the presenter's notes on the syntax of the indigenous language Guaraní, with information on determiner quantification, the person hierarchy, and a syntax tree. Text: "The Syntax of Guaraní" "A pronominal argument analysis of a noteworthy indigenous language." "Presented by Emily Hillman, under the direction of Dr. Kristin Denham" "Honors Senior Capstone Presentation, June 3, 2020, 2:00 pm" "For Disability Accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu."

Emily Hillman

The Syntax of Guaraní

2:00 PM

Thursday, June 4

Image: Chalk board with a picture of an apple with a Hutchinson Research logo on it. Text: "WWU Honors Program x Computer Science. Machine Learning in the Classroom. Training models to identify classroom activities from audio. June 4th, 2020 at 10:00 AM. Presented by Chris Daw. Advisor Dr. Brian Hutchinson. For disability accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu."

Chris Daw

Machine Learning in the Classroom

10:00 AM

Image: Photo of a wood plank bridge in the woods. One plank is broken. Text in a green circle reads, “birdsong at sunrise, by Sarah Packard, advised by Elizabeth Colen.” In a darker green circle, “a novella about living in a cottage in the mountains and making friends with the wolf in the woods.” A beige banner reads, https://zoom.us/j/98651672003. A beige circle reads, “1PM, Thursday, June 4 2020.” A green banner at the bottom reads, “For disability accommodations, please email honors@wwu.edu.”

Sarah Packard

Birdsong at Sunrise

1:00 PM

 Image: Several over-layered bell-curves bordering the title, description, and date of the project.  Text: "Nonparametric Multiple Comparisons in Repeated Measures." "Presenting a hypothesis test procedure with applications in psychology, biology, and related fields." "Thursday June 4 @ 2pm." "Presented by Alexander Kuhn." "Advised by Kimihiro Noguchi." "For Disability Accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu"

Alex Kuhn

Nonparametric Multiple Comparisons in Repeated Measures

2:00 PM

Image: Greek columns. Text reads “Political Theory in a Time of Crisis, Republicanism and Liberalism in the American Republic.” “Honors Capstone Presentation by Jonah Rink, Advisor Dr. Tristan Goldman” “For Disability Accommodations Please Email honors@wwu.edu”

Jonah Rink

Political Theory in a Time of Crisis

3:00 PM

Image: "C. elegans worms fluorescing green under UV light displaying GFP expression. Text: "Investigating the Effects of Glutamate Trafficking and Receptor Mutations on the Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) in C. elegans. A story of glowing worms: Their implications on protein folding and neurodegenerative diseases. An Honors Capstone Presentation. Savanna Skie Takasaki, advised by Dr. Lina Dahlberg. Thursday June 4, 2020 4:00 - 4:45 AM. For disability accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu."

Savanna Takasaki

Investigating the Effects of Glutamate Trafficking and Receptor Mutations on the Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) in C. elegans

4:00 PM

Friday, June 5

Text: "The Modular Table: A Potential Clue for the Future Dilemmas Concerning Bioethics in Human Genome Applications of CRISPR." "By Alina Purcell, Advisor: Dr. Kathleen Brian, June 5 2020 10 am." "Honors Capstone Project, for disability accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu." Image: a digital drawing of a fence with barbed wire, and some shadows behind it. The sign on the fence reads: "Restricted area, no trespassing" in all caps and in red.

Alina Purcell

The Modular Table: A Potential Clue for the Future Dilemmas Concerning Bioethics in Human Genome Applications of CRISPR

10:00 AM

Image: An aerial photo of the Duwamish estuary today with an urbanized port and straight channels with well-defined edges. To the right, a map of the Duwamish estuary in the 1880s with a river meandering through, surrounded by wetlands.  Text: "Current and Historical Estuary Extent in Major River Deltas of the Puget Sound: A Comparison of Estimates. Honors Capstone Presentation by Ashley Arthur. Advisor: Dr. John Rybczyk. June 5, 2020, at 11:00 a.m. For Disability Accommodations email honors@wwu.edu."

Ashley Arthur

Current and Historical Estuary Extent in Major River Deltas of the Puget Sound: A Comparison of Estimates

11:00 AM

Image: A table with school supplies and a hand holding pills.  Text reads: “Local Opioid Sales and K-12 Education Outcomes.  Presented by: Brianna Berkson.  Advisor: Dr. Hart Hodges.  June 5, 2020.  1:00-1:45 pm.  For Disability Accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu”

Brianna Berkson

Local Opioid Sales and K-12 Education Outcomes

1:00 PM

Image: Close-up of 5 friends’ hands. One is painted green. Text: “1 in 5 people tested, are COVID-positive.“  "DESIGNING FOR A PANDEMIC: AN AUTOMATIC SOAP DISPENSER"  “presentation by Alexis Edgar-Tanzil on June 5th at 2:00pm“  “under the guidance of Paula Airth”  "https://zoom.us/j/98651672003"  "For Disability Accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu."

Alexis Edgar-Tanzil

Designing for a Pandemic: An Automatic Soap Dispenser

2:00 PM

Image: simple dark blue background with sunrise illustrations at the top and bottom. Text: "Cooperative Hunting Behavior in Harbor Seals. Honors Capstone Presentation by Delaney Adams, Advisor Dr. Alejandro Acevedo-Gutierrez. June 5, 3:00 pm. For disability accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu."

Delaney Adams

Cooperative Hunting Behavior in Harbor Seals

3:00 PM

Text: "Developing Accounting Student Resources: How to improve student engagement in campus recruiting and offer the resources they need to be successful."  "Honors Capstone Presentation by Ina LaGrandeur Advised by Dr. Steve Smith."  "Friday, June 5th, 2020"  "4 pm over zoom"  "Email lagrani@wwu.edu for zoom invite"  "For disability accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu"

Ina LaGrandeur

Developing Accounting Student Resources: How to improve student engagement in campus recruiting and offer the resources they need to be successful

4:00 PM

Monday, June 8

Image: Several colorful images fused together, along with sheet music and arrows pointing towards a central pixelated color image.  Text: "Investigating how to make music from the pixels of color images, and vice versa"  "Honors Capstone Presentation by Eric Anderson"  "Advisor: Dr. Charles Halka"  "June 8th, 2020"  "For Disability Accommodations, please email honors@wwu.edu"

Eric Anderson

Pixel Composition: Converting Images to Music

9:00 AM

Fostering Resilience: Connecting Children with Dance and Movement

Emma Harbison

Fostering Resilience: Connecting Children with Dance and Movement

10:00 AM

Image: silhouette of a blue city skyline against cream-colored sky. Text: “Honors Capstone Presentation” “Darker Haptic Counterpart: an Emergent Literary Theory” “This presentation will discuss the research behind the current development of the darker haptic counterpart theory. Themes revolve around imperialist critique, Victorian fiction, and haptic phenomenology” “Presentation by Micala Nitz, Advisor Katherine Anderson” “Monday, June 8th, 11 am” “For disability accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu"

Micala Nitz

Darker Haptic Counterpart: An Emergent Literary Theory

11:00 AM

Image: A noisy, chaotic-looking sound wave runs across the middle of the page, with a smooth, sine-like wave overlaid on top of it. Both waves are in black-and-white, and the noisy wave dominates the page. Text: "From Signal to Noise: Reframing the world through embodied listening. Honors Capstone Presentation by Tyler Bunker. Advisor: Jeremy Cushman. June 8th, 1:00 PM - 1:45 PM. For Disability Accommodations Please Email honors@wwu.edu."

Tyler Bunker

From Signal to Noise: Reframing the world through embodied listening

1:00 PM

Image: Closeup of an arrangement of items constructed out of cardboard. Items shown are: A Nike Airforce 1 with a leg coming out of it, an ankle holster on said leg with a firearm in it, a tube of toothpaste, a toothbrush, a revolver and a lunchbox. Text: "Donald Barthelme's Game. A Film adaptation by Sean Devenney. June 8th 2020, 4:00 PM. With help from professor Jeremy Cushman. For disability accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu."

Sean Devenney

Donald Barthelme's 'Game'

4:00 PM

Image: An abstract colorful background with the text: "June 8, 2020"  "Processing this Pandemic"  "By Dana Ericksen, Advisor: Kate Darby"  "Three reflexive essays on topics brought to light during COVID-19"  "For disability accommodations email honors@wwu.edu"

Dana Ericksen

Processing This Pandemic: Three reflexive essays on topics brought to light during COVID-19

2:00 PM

Image: Illustration of giant insects in a prehistoric-looking forest, by Richard Binzley. Text reads "I like big bugs and I cannot lie: An overview of hypotheses and supporting evidence regarding drivers of insect gigantism in the Permo-Carboniferous."  "Honors Capstone Presentation by Ryssa Parks, Advisor Dr. Merrill A. Peterson"  "June 8, 2020, 3:00pm"  "For disability accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu"

Ryssa Parks

I Like Big Bugs and I Cannot Lie

3:00 PM

Tuesday, June 9

Image: Greenery fills in the outline of a woman’s facial profile on a beige background. Text: "For disability accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu. Gender and Human Capital: How do gender-separate effects of human capital impact economic growth? Tuesday, June 9, 2020 @ 9:00 AM. Honors Capstone Presentation by Jordan King, Advisor Dr. Anca Sirbu. Artist: Michael Waraska, March 2019."

Jordan King

Gender, Human Capital, and Growth

9:00 AM

A close up image of a coronavirus particle: a gray sphere with red spiky protrusions. Text reads: “COVID-19: Isolation and Vaccinations” “An exploration of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on social isolation and vaccine development” “By Jesika Smith, June 9th 10AM, Advised by Lynn Pillitteri” “For Disability Accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu”

Jesika Smith

COVID-19: Isolation and Vaccinations

10:00 AM

Image: famous French painting "Liberty Guides the People" depicts a women holding a flag in one hand and a gun in the other, leading a crowd of armed people to fight. Neon yellow road vests have been photoshopped onto the people to represent the modern Yellow Vest Protests. Text: "Culture in a Yellow Vest: The Role of Popular Culture in Social Protest. Date & Time: June 9, 11:00 AM. Presenter: Teresa Derr. Advisor: Babafemi Akinrinade. For Disability Accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu."

Teresa Derr

Culture in a Yellow Vest: The Role of Popular Culture in Social Protest

11:00 AM

Rustic sketch-form vegetables and sundry produce Text reads "Pedagogy and Paella. Building and facilitating a regional gastroculture workshop for the Western Employee Language Program."  "Presenter: Autumn Weis. Advisor: Kirsten Drickey"  "Presentation Tuesday 9 June, 2020. 1:00pm"

Autumn Weis

Pedagogy & Paella

1:00 PM

Theatre Talk: Discussing (In)Justice

Meghan Baker

Theatre Talk: Discussing (In)Justice

4:00 PM

Four light pink handprints arranged together in the cardinal directions on a navy blue solid background.  Text reads: “Hokulani Rivera – Honors Capstone”  “H(u)ina”  “June 9, 2020 @2pm”  “With the advisement of professor Jane Wong, this is a collection of poems that focus on becoming through a sum of experiences and relations.”  “For Disability Accomodations please email honors@wwu.edu”

Hokulani Rivera


2:00 PM

Image: Havana street in sunlight. Text: "Cuba en cambio, Shifting Ideas of Cuban National Identity. Honors capstone presentation by Nancy Brill, advised by Kirsten Drickey. June 9th, 2020. For disability accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu."

Nancy Brill

Cuba en Cambio: Shifting Ideas of Cuban National Identity

3:00 PM

Wednesday, June 10

Images: Mountains, fern leaves, and frogs. Text reads: "Honors Capstone Presentation by Nicole VandePutte Advisor Dr. Derek Moscato" "Call of the Chorus Frog, an undergraduate experience in field research in the Elwha River Basin" "Wednesday, June 10, 2020 @ 2PM" "For disability accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu"

Nicole VandePutte

Call of the Chorus Frog: an undergraduate experience in field research in the Elwha River Basin

2:00 PM

“School of cownose rays swim in the background, with an up close face of a ray in the bottom right-hand corner. Text reads "The Mysteries of the Cownose Ray: Movement and behavior of Rhinoptera bonasus in the intertidal zone of Delaware Bay."  "Honors Capstone Presentation by Glenna Dyson, Advisor Dr. Daphne Munroe and Dr. David Sull"  "June 10, 2020, 3:00 PM”  "For disability accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu"

Glenna Dyson

The Mysteries of the Cownose Ray: Movement and behavior of Rhinoptera bonasus in the intertidal zone of Delaware Bay

3:00 PM

Image: a Clip Art image of a man and woman on a gray background, with a computer cursor hovering over the man.  In the corner is Clip Art of a mechanical and hardware nut.  Text:  "Bolts & Nuts: A sweet and short examination of the outs and ins of linguistic binomial formation.  An Honors Project by Eli George,  Advised by Jordan Sandoval, Professor of Linguistics.  June 10th a 4pm via Zoom. For Disability Accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu."

Eli George

Bolts & Nuts: A Sweet and Short Examination of the Outs and Ins of Linguistic Binomial Formation

4:00 PM

Thursday, June 11

Image: paper reading "What do I believe", other lines redacted, and a handwritten “What if society changed ... A collection of dystopian stories”. Text: "A black mirror-esque collection of differently formatted stories where givernemnt or society attempts to improve humanity in some way. It started with good intentions but humanity is messy and change is not easy. June 10th, 1PM, https://zoom.us/j/98651672003. Mara Miller, Advisor Richard Simon, For Disability Accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu”

Mara Miller

What if society changed...  A collection of dystopian stories

8:00 AM

Image: 3 different cartoon images each depict a pair of people, the first using an eye-gaze board, and the others using high-tech alternative and augmentative communication devices. Text: "Presenter: Hannah Burch, Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Thistle, Myths and Misconceptions of Alternative and Augmentative Communication. Honor's Capstone, June 10th 2020, 11:00-11:45 am Zoom, Https://zoom.us/J/98651672003. For disability accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu."

Hannah Burch

Myths and Misconceptions of Alternative and Augmentative Communication

9:00 AM

Image: Clip art image of Mars with the Mars Rover on top of it. Text: "For Disability Accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu. Senior Capstone Presentation. Understanding the Spectral Properties of Rock Weathering on Mars. By Bella Seppi, Advisor: Melissa Rice. Thurs June 11, 10 AM."

Bella Seppi

Understanding the Spectral Properties of Rock Weathering on Mars

10:00 AM

Image: Illustration of an Erlenmeyer flask filled with a world map. Text: "Multicultural Education in Secondary Science Classrooms"  "Kasey Hebert, Advised by Dr. Francisco Rios"  "Thursday, June 11th, 11:00 AM"  "For disability accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu"

Kasey Hebert

Multicultural Education in Secondary Science Classrooms

11:00 AM

Neutral grey background with 4 pictures of blue, knitted cones from different angles. Top of poster shows the length of two blue knitted cones. The middle right shows the cone standing up as if on a table. The middle left shows the knitted cone as if looking into the circular opening. Text reads "Knitting Math: Geometric Shapes". Subheading reads "How the world of math and knitting collide through cones and paraboloids" "Honors Capstone Presentation by Cynthia Wright, Advised by Dr. Jessica Cohen"

Cynthia Wright

Knitting Math: Geometric Shapes

1:00 PM

Text: "Huntington's disease presentation. Exploring the roles of huntingtin protein in the liver of wildtype and Huntington's disease model mice. Presentation by Cassie McHugh // Advisor Dr. Jeffrey Cantle. June 11, 2020 2:00-2:45 PM. For disability accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu."

Cassie McHugh

Exploring the roles of Huntingtin Protein in the Liver of Wildtype and Huntington's Disease Model Mice

2:00 PM

Text: "Educate Me: The Use of Solutions Journalism in The Seattle Times' Education Lab. June 11 3-3:45 PM. Presentation by Audra Anderson, Advisor Dr. Carolyn Nielsen. For disability accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu." Image: Orange circle "Funding" and images of a laptop, hands trading money, and a gov building. Green circle "Equity and Diversity" and images of a scale and 2 women. Yellow circle "Special Ed/Higher Ed" and images of a college, a puzzle, and a graduate.

Audra Anderson

Educate Me: The Use of Solutions Journalism in The Seattle Times' Education Lab

3:00 PM

Image of two animated speakers on a stage at podiums with hands pointed toward one another with five animated audience members. Text: "Honors Capstone Project Presentation" "Controversial Speakers" "What a university ought to do" "Presented by Elizabeth Webb" "June 11 2020. 4:00-4:45 pm" "Frances Howard Snyder - Advisor" "For disability accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu"

Elizabeth Webb

Controversial Speakers: What a university ought to do

4:00 PM

“Daniel Repp’s Honors Capston Presentation. Advisor: Mark Kuntz.” Beneath that, portraits of historical astronomers Hypatia and Guillaume le Gentil with speech bubbles reading “Good Heavens! The Tale of Two Great Minds with an Astronomical Legacy.” Further down, portraits of astronomers Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler in front of different models for the orbits of the planets. At the bottom, text reading “A play in two acts, read by a live cast over Zoom. Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 7pm.

Daniel Repp

Good Heavens!

7:00-9:00 PM

Friday, June 12

Image: closeup of fruitfly's wing and upper thorax infected with Entomophthora muscae, a fungal parasite. A black background contrasts the wing's rainbow iridescense. Text: "Playing it cool. A story of zombie flies and picking sides, starring E. muscae-infected D. melanogaster. WWU Honors Program Capstone Presentation. Aundrea Koger. Advisors: Dr. Carolyn Elya, Dr. Benjamin de Bivort, Dr. Dietmar Schwarz. 9-9:45 AM PST. 6/10/20. Please email honors@wwu.edu for Disability Accommodations. Photo by M. Beisen."

Aundrea Koger

Playing it cool: A story of zombie flies and picking sides, starring E. muscae-infected D. melanogaster

8:00 AM

Image: GIS map with a white background overlaid with Bellingham roads in light gray and Bellingham bike lanes in green. Data comes from the City of Bellingham website. Text: “Keep Bellingham Moving Forward! Using Story Maps for Public Engagement”  “Ella Liddicoat with advising by Tyson Waldo”  “Zoom, Friday, June 12th at 9AM”  “For Disability Accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu”

Ella Liddicoat

Keep Bellingham Moving Forward! Using Story Maps for Public Engagement

9:00 AM

Image: Top center of this poster features a cartoon black hand gripping a microphone in front of a shining yellow stage light. The rest of the poster has a black background with white text. Text: "GIVE ME A MIC AND A STAGE. A Case for Slam Poetry, Identity, and Socio-Emotional Health in the High School Classroom. Honors Capstone by Cristina Ramirez, Advisor Tracey Pyscher. June 12th, 2020, 10:00 AM via Zoom. For disability accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu."

Cristina Ramirez

Give Me a Mic and a Stage

10:00 AM

Image: Photo of a Hugo Chavez supporter holding up an artistic rendering of the Venezuelan leader. Text: "Crisis State, In Search of Populism's Conceptual Core. Noah Latsch. Advisor Dr. Michael Wolff. June 12, 2020 11:00 AM. For disability accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu."

Noah Latsch

Crisis State: In Search of Populism's Conceptual Core

11:00 AM

Image: Photo of 28 kids smiling and sitting together on a long bench. Text reads "Fundraising for Families: A strategic communications campaign for Give Hope 2 Kids in Honduras."  "Honors Capstone Presentation by Emily Jackson, Advised by Derek Moscato"  "Friday, June 12, 2020, 1–1:45 p.m.”  “Email jacksoe7@wwu.edu for Zoom invite”  "For disability accommodations please email Honors@wwu.edu"

Emily Jackson

Fundraising for Families: A strategic communications campaign for Give Hope 2 Kids in Honduras

1:00 PM

Image: Painting of a Merlin Falcon hunting House Sparrows above the Herald Building in Downtown Bellingham.  Text reads: "Painting Ecological Change in Pacific Northwest Bird Populations."  "Rachel Rothberg. An ongoing visual exploration of bird populations and behavior in Bellingham. Advised by Dr. John Bower. June 12, 2020, 2 PM."  "For disability accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu."

Rachel Rothberg

Painting Ecological Change in Pacific Northwest Bird Populations

2:00 PM

Image: A rocky river bed with green hills and a cloudy sky in the background. Text: "Tracing nitrate pollution sources in the Nooksack river watershed. A dual isotope analysis of nitrate stable isotope data from stream and groundwater sampling of the Sumas-Blaine aquifer and Nooksack river tributaries. Grace Peyerwold, Advisor Dr. David Hooper. June 12, 2020, 3:00 pm. For Disability Accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu."

Grace Peyerwold

Tracing Nitrate Pollution Sources in the Nooksack River Watershed

3:00 PM

Image: A person sits, head in their hands, surrounded by garbage and rubble with a forlorn look on their face. Text: "The Power of the Individual: A Discussion on the Individualization of Environmentalism. Honors Capstone Presentation by Teresa Brockmier, Advisor Dr. Mark Neff. June 12th 4 PM. For Disability Accommodations please email honors@wwu.edu."

Teresa Brockmier

The Power of the Individual: A Discussion on the Individualization of Environmentalism

4:00 PM

Monday, June 15

Image: Large hand with suit cuff adding to a stack of coins in another hand. A group of womxn with flags raise fists towards the coin. Text: “Social Reckoning? In This Economy? by Madison Carter with Dr. Craig Dunn. A business student’s take on what society is demanding, academics are critiquing, and business schools seem to be ignoring. WWU Honors Capstone. For disability accommodations, please email honors@wwu.edu. June 10th, 10:00 AM"

Madison Carter

Social Reckoning? In This Economy?

10:00 AM